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What the ego is (part 1)

#ego #fear #fearful #love #personalpower #returntolove Feb 14, 2022


and why you don’t have to fear it

Today let us talk about why you don’t have to fear your ego & what it really is.

Your ego my friend is simply the fearful part in you that needs healing.

It’s that small, scared & wounded part in you that wants to keep you “safe” - To help you “survive”, but not really LIVE.

Your ego produces thoughts like fear, judgment & attack that makes you feel like you aren’t enough or that you should have done much more or that other people are to blame.

The important thing to remember though is that your ego CANNOT rule you – UNLESS YOU give it the power to do so!

By learning to see when your fearful thinking is coming in – you can CHOOSE LOVE instead of fear & with this
- CREATE MIRACLES both for yourself, your business & other people! 

Sending you all my Love & admiration,


Mariazi Quote
The ego is simply the fearful part in you, that is small, scared & wounded. You don’t have to fear it, just acknowledge it & heal it with your love.