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#businessniche #businesspitch #challenge #nailyourniche #niche #pain #problem #result #targetgroup Oct 10, 2022


The 3 key questions to create total clarity for you & others

I’d like to ask you…

Have you ever felt that it’s hard to quickly explain what it is you do? 
Or are you spending HOURS trying to write your marketing & sales copy?...
if so, then listen closely today 😊

In today’s video I’ll be sharing the 3 things you need to be clear about, both for yourself & when communicating & explaining things to others.

This will help you both with your marketing & when writing your sales copy, as well as posting on social media & when you want to pitch.

So go grab a pen & paper & get ready to answer the 3 key questions that really can change everything!
Enjoy 😊


Mariazi Quote
Meet people where they’re at. Communicate in a way that’s short, clear & catchy & from there, you can then go deeper.



What are your thoughts about today’s topic? Please share with me.

What is working fantastic and what is challenging you?

I sooo love hearing from you!
Connect with Maria, e-mail me >>