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When you reflect on your results in life or business, do you find an area where you’re not yet where you want to be? Do you notice, when being really honest, that you sometimes sabotage your own expansion and growth?

This self-sabotage is often the result of old programming, outdated strategies, and limiting beliefs. These might have been helpful in the past or in certain situations, but they are no longer serving you. To change and shift these patterns, you'll need radical honesty and self-love.

 Here are two steps to get started:

  1. Identify an area or situation where you are stuck:
    Notice where you keep repeating the same behavior or outdated, unsupportive strategy.
    For example, in relationships, you might find yourself avoiding commitment because of past hurts. Money-wise, you might consistently undersell your services because of a deep-seated belief that you’re not worth more.
  2. Be curious and use the tool "Smart Questions" Ask yourself:
  • Where did I learn this behavior or belief?
  • Why isn't it helpful anymore?
  • How could I shift this? 

From this place of radical honesty, acceptance, and self-love, you'll be able to uncover hidden truths and start shifting and changing your old programmings. This will enable you to achieve new and far better results in your life and business.


With Love and empowerment, Mariazi


So what are you struggling with & longing to change? 
Remember, there is help & step-by-step guidance when you are ready!
E-mail Maria >>