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#betterdecisions #boostyourconfidence #confidencehacks #confidentdecisionmaking #decisionmakingskills #decisionmakingtips #empoweryourself #femalebusinessowners #femaleentrepreneurs #femaleleaders #leadershipskills #lifedecisions #mentalstrength #mindsetshift #personaldevelopment #selfimprovement #successmindset Sep 16, 2024




As a female entrepreneur or business owner, you’re constantly faced with decisions, from major business strategies to small everyday choices. This can lead to overwhelm, stress, and doubt. But what if there was a way to confidently make decisions—without second-guessing or hesitation?

Here’s a 3-step formula to help you make better decisions with ease and clarity.

Step 1: Gather the Facts (And Stick to a Time Frame) 
Start by collecting key information. Look at the data, assess risks, and explore potential outcomes. However, avoid getting stuck in "analysis paralysis"—the key is setting a strict time frame for your research. If you allow yourself too much time to collect information, you may become overwhelmed, which can delay progress.

By sticking to your deadline, you can move on to the next step without losing momentum.

Step 2: The Forgotten Key—Trust Your Intuition
Once the facts are in place, it’s time to trust your intuition. While we often think of gut feelings as unreliable, science says otherwise. Research from the University of Leeds found that intuition is a valid and powerful decision-making tool, especially when backed by experience. Essentially, your gut feeling is your brain processing information in the background, based on knowledge and patterns from your past.

Another study in *Psychological Science* showed that individuals who rely on their instincts frequently make quicker and more accurate decisions. For women, intuition can be especially strong, thanks to heightened emotional intelligence.

Step 3: Make the Decision and Move Forward with Confidence
After using both logic and intuition, make your decision and move on with confidence. Don’t overthink or second-guess yourself. Be calm and trust that you’ve made the best decision possible, given the circumstances. If necessary, you can always adjust course down the line.

For now, trust the process, feel good about your decision, and shift your energy toward action.

Balance Logic and Intuition for the most Powerful Results

By blending fact-based analysis with your intuition, you’ll make decisions that are both informed and instinctive. This 3-step formula—gathering facts within a set time frame, trusting your gut, and making a confident decision—helps you manage stress, stay clear-headed, and achieve better outcomes.


With Love and empowerment, Maria


So what are you struggling with & longing to change? 

Remember, there is help & step-by-step guidance when you are ready!
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