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#breakthehabit #digitalminimalism #digitalwellbeing #femalebusinessowners #femaleentrepreneurs #femaleleaders #focusonlife #healthyhabits #highperformance #mentalhealthawareness #mindfulscrolling #productivityhacks #screentime #socialmediaaddiction #socialmediabreak #socialmediadetox #stopscrolling #takecontrol Sep 02, 2024




Social media is an incredible tool, but it can also become a significant drain on your time and energy if not managed carefully. Whether you’re using it for business, networking, or just staying connected, it’s easy to get lost in the endless scroll. So, how can you take control and use social media in a way that benefits you without it taking over your life?

The first step is to be honest with yourself:
If social media were a drug, what would your addiction be? Maybe it’s the constant need to check notifications, the endless scrolling through your feed, or the desire to see how many likes and comments you’ve received. Acknowledging this is the first step toward making a change.

Once you’ve identified your social media "addiction,"
it’s time to implement strategies that help you take back control.

  1. Set a Clear Goal or Purpose:
    Before logging into any social media platform, ask yourself why you’re doing it.
    What’s your goal?

    Whether it’s connecting with clients, gathering inspiration,
    or just catching up with friends, having a clear intention will help you stay focused and avoid getting lost in mindless scrolling.  

  2. Block Time and Set Limits:
    Designate specific times during the day when you will check and engage on social media, and stick to those times.

    This will help you stay mindful, protect your peace, and prevent social media from becoming a constant distraction. By limiting the time you spend online, you’ll save energy and create more space for productive activities.

By taking control of your social media habits, you’ll find that you have more time, energy, and focus to invest in what truly matters. You’ll be more effective in your work, feel more at peace, and even enjoy your time online more, knowing that it serves a purpose rather than controlling you.


With Love and empowerment, Maria


So what are you struggling with & longing to change? 

Remember, there is help & step-by-step guidance when you are ready!
E-mail Maria >>